The island is pleased to hear there is a new defibrillator at Killiecrankie fire station. Whitemark CWA was delighted to receive a $2000 grant from the Premier Discretionary Fund, with thanks to Tania Rattray, Member for McIntyre for seeking out the grant on behalf of the CWA. Both the CWA and Lions Club provided funds, including the grant to purchase an upgraded package suitable for our conditions.
St John Ambulance has agreed to put aside two more of these packages for a month or so. The island is hoping to raise $4400 fairly quickly to purchase the two packages and place the defibs at first Palana and then Emita fire stations.
If you are able to donate, please send/give your contribution to Judy Walker, Treasurer of Whitemark CWA and indicate it is for the defibs. Cheques can be made out the Whitemark CWA and every donation will be acknowledged on the Flinders Island Community Noticeboard page on Facebook and in the Island News.
It would be fantastic to raise enough money to purchase both defibs and have them available not only for our firefighters but anyone in the area.