
August 6, 2012

Walks of Flinders Island

Walk 11 Airstrip Circuit – Killiecrankie

This walk is best done in a clockwise directions, as the track near beach is poorly marked and scrubby. Walk out on the Killiecrankie road on your left. At the end of this road is a gate. You can skirt around the Western boundary, avoiding private, or walk through the gate (Ask the manger of the Quoin prior at attempting this walk.) Head out towards the dam, with a bearing  north-east. Walk past the dam wall and the rock spillway and veer north-west across a paddock then up a sandy incline into the dune country. Follow the old fence line for about a kilometre and a half,  roughly north-east, then veer north-west through low tussocks, past a fresh water dam and pick up a roughly marked track which will eventually meet Killiecrankie beach. Easy walking back to the settlement.

Walking duration: 1-2 hours, 6km

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