Mt Killiecrankie Via the Dock Road:
Drive out along the Palana road. About six kilometres past Killiecrankie turn off HEC lamp post number 334 is reached. A track to your left heads towards the Dock – a very spectacular and imposing seascape and worth a drive even if you do not do the actual walk! This road is not presently marked on NATMAP.
About 1.5 kilometers along the Dock road you will come to the closest point to Mt Killiecrankie. Leave the road opposite a dam on the ridge. Head left, approximately south-west, keeping to high ground. Aim for Wombat Rock which will become apparent. Scrub bash your way in the general direction of the summit until you come out into large granite slabs of rock. Follow the northern ridge to the Trig point for commanding views of the northern part of the island. Return via the same route but take careful note of any ‘cleared’ areas that will give you an easier decent. This is a tough walk, the scrubbing very thick in places. Long pants are essential.